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Aug 11, 2023

L-R: Tyler Honsaker, Jeremy Rolf, and Jay Dalton, owners and certified arborists of Titan Arbor Care

Autumn is fast approaching, bringing an all-too-brief respite from summer’s heat. Still, it’s wise to take a page from the Farmers’ Almanac and remember: “You may delay, but time will not.” Winter’s blistering cold won’t be far behind.

The almanac’s recently released extended weather forecast for Ohio projects a less-than-idyllic season, anticipating an even earlier, more frigid, storm-prone winter than most years.

If you have neglected trees in your yard, now is no time to throw caution to the wind. Soon enough, gently falling leaves will give way to hazardous falling branches laden with ice.

The owners of Titan Arbor Care, certified arborists Jay Dalton, Jeremy Rolf, and Tyler Honsaker, are extending their expertise in and around Medina County, safely trimming and removing dead trees and stumps this fall in back yards and on manicured commercial lots and sprawling estate properties.

The team at Titan Arbor Care takes every step to leave your yard better than they found it. The crew hauls away stump grindings, spreads fresh topsoil and plants grass right away.

When called, Jay, Jeremy, Tyler and their crews go so far as to help the Strongsville Service Department Division of Forestry maintain the city’s urban tree canopy of more than 112,000 trees.

They can do it all as a professional local tree care provider. They’re insured for your protection as much as they are theirs, a qualification that other local tree care providers find tough to top.

It’s vital to rely on the trained eye of a professional tree care provider to spot dead or diseased branches that need to come down to keep decay from spreading and significantly reduce icy hazards to yourself, your family, your neighbors, and your home and vehicles.

The white blanket of snow familiar in Northeast Ohio can hide other hazards, such as exposed roots and stumps.

L-R: Tyler Honsaker, Jeremy Rolf, and Jay Dalton, owners and certified arborists of Titan Arbor Care.

Jay recommends addressing potential hazards underfoot this winter and assures Titan Arbor Care’s approach will leave a light footprint.

“Our stump-grinding machine is portable enough to go anywhere and goes deep enough to where we’re sure we’re going to get the thing out,” he says. “All our equipment is compact enough to move around with minimal disruption.”

The owners of Titan Arbor Care stand by their promise to guard your yard and have over 200 feet of planking to go the distance, ensuring minimal disruption.

Titan Arbor Care’s 4-by-8 foot polymer sheets cover the ground, distributing the weight of foot traffic and minimizing the wear and tear of heavy machinery. The ground protection mats are more efficient than the plain plywood pieces some tree care providers employ, if they even bother to take that additional step.

“We take every step to leave your yard better than we found it,” Jay says. “We haul away the grindings, spread fresh topsoil and plant grass right away. So, we leave you with a nice, clean, finished yard. If we didn’t, to us it would seem like an incomplete job.”

By planting grass right away, Titan Arbor Care already does one better than most tree care providers.

While the company plants grass every time on any job that calls for it, there’s no better time than now.

Grass seedlings thrive in autumn’s respite. They’re shielded from the summer’s sweltering heat and have enough time to establish themselves before winter’s bitter cold barrels in.

By regularly caring for your trees, you can protect yourself, your loved ones, and your property from damage.

Now is a great time to get on their schedule for fall and winter pruning. With potential hazards out of the way, you’ll be able to rest easy this winter and turn your attention to spring, when the white blanket of snow melts and fresh stocks of green grass sprout.

Titan Arbor Care is an ISA Certified Arborist, licensed, bonded and fully insured. Call 216-586-6955 for a free quote. For a complete list of services, visit Titan

By Adam Cook 08 Feb, 2024
Spring is nature’s wake-up call. With just over a month left until the season’s arrival, it’s time to roll up your sleeves, grab a shovel, and get planting. But when it comes to trees, if you’d rather not get your hands dirty, consider reaching out to the professionals at Titan Arbor Care. Certified arborists Jay Dalton, Jeremy Rolf and Tyler Honsaker, co-owners of the company that’s quickly becoming a go-to source for all things trees, specialize in preserving lush greenery and strategically managing tree removal and replacement to foster flourishing landscapes. Jay digs into why it’s time to rise to the occasion as spring approaches and warming temperatures coax the soil out of its winter slumber. “As the soil warms, tree roots become more active, making it ideal for planting trees and providing them with the perfect environment to establish themselves,” he explains. There’s no time like the present to give saplings the water they need to get established as they settle into their new digs. “There’s typically plenty of moisture in the spring, reducing the need for extensive watering,” Jay says. “We provide watering bags for convenience. Just fill them as needed, depending on the temperature outside. These bags gradually release water, ensuring consistent hydration as trees settle into their new surroundings.”
11 Aug, 2023
L-R: Tyler Honsaker, Jeremy Rolf, and Jay Dalton, owners and certified arborists of Titan Arbor Care
02 Jun, 2023
Summer has landed, and it’s bloom or bust for your yard’s trees. By now, most trees have leafed out, and any tree that hasn’t is a strong indication that it’s dead, diseased or distressed. Whatever the case, it’s time for a diagnosis from the trained eye of a professional tree care service. In and around Medina County, the owners of Titan Arbor Care, certified arborists Jay Dalton, Jeremy Rolf, and Tyler Honsaker, regularly extend their expertise, inspecting properties to provide a clear view of the next steps a homeowner should take to maintain a healthy yard. “Some species are late bloomers, and sometimes a tree just needs corrective pruning, but more often than not, if it hasn’t bloomed by now, you’ll probably need to consider removing it,” Jay says. “Right now, since the ground is dry, and our crews can get more done, that makes this the best time of year to dig up a deal. When our crews can afford to do more, so can our customers.” Armed with an array of tools, Titan Arbor Care’s crews can safely take down enormous oaks, maples and other trees while leaving just a faint footprint. Armed with an array of tools, Titan Arbor Care’s crews can safely take down enormous oaks, maples and other trees that are in decline with minimal disruption. “We have over 200 feet of planking we can put down to protect the yard, and our equipment is compact and lightweight enough to move around with minimal disruption,” Jay says. “After completely removing the stump, we’ll recondition your yard and can even plant a tree or a couple to take its place,” Jay says. It’s always better to take stock of your yard’s trees before any signs of an underlying problem. “It’s not a bad idea for a new homeowner to have us come out and see what trees could become a problem for them or anytime a homeowner adds a new addition because often people take down trees they don’t have to and leave others that really should have been taken down before they started construction.” Trees can fail for a host of reasons. Some species that fared well and even thrived historically may not be suited to the environment today. “Right now, the blue spruce and Austrian and Scotch pines are in decline, and we still have ash trees that are dead and hazardous from the emerald ash borer infestation.” The Titan Arbor Care team Warm temperatures have pushed plant hardiness zones northward, and when a tree is outside its comfort zone, there’s not much you can do. “There are other varieties of spruce that are holding up,” Jay says. “The Norway spruce can make a nice addition to your yard, and Black gum is an excellent replacement for lost ash trees.” Bloom or bust, any inspection should come with a fair assessment of the trees in your yard so that you can take the next step. “We stand by our promise to leave every yard better than we found it,” Jay says, “Just remember to give newly planted trees plenty of water to keep them healthy.” Guard your yard. Call 216-586-6955. Titan Arbor Care is standing by. For a complete list of services, visit
By Adam Cook 12 May, 2023
You’re nearing the end of your spring clean-up checklist. You’ve scrubbed the house, and now it’s time to set your sights on sprucing up the yard. Glancing at your trees might reveal foliage that failed to return, leaving dead or diseased branches exposed or a towering trunk with healthy branches in full swing too close to the house for comfort, overshadowing the rest of the property’s beauty. In and around Medina County, the owners of Titan Arbor Care, certified arborists Jay Dalton, Jeremy Rolf, and Tyler Honsaker, are removing dead wood and reviving yards, putting down fresh topsoil and planting grass and often a tree or two—restoring and reforesting lawns in time for summer. “There are many reasons you might have to strategically remove a tree, but after completely removing the stump, we’ll recondition the yard and can plant a tree or a couple to take its place,” Jay says. “We leave every yard better than we found it.” There’s magic in the shade trees cast, as anyone who’s sat for a spell under a leafy canopy on a hot summer day knows. Still, disenchantment for a homeowner takes root whenever the wrong tree is in the wrong spot. “You want to choose the right tree for the right spot,” Jay says. “You don’t want a large tree too close to the house or a small tree out in the open.” Deep roots undermine foundations, and fierce winds shake loose branches and topple trunks, causing property damage and endangering lives. Yet, properly placed trees are treasured assets, lending their charm to curb appeal while absorbing pollution and excess water. “A tree is a benefit or a hindrance,” Jay says. “Pruning lets the wind flow, so you won’t have to worry when the storm blows.” It’s best to leave it to those with a trained eye to spot dead or diseased branches and the expertise to bring them down safely—professionals who can make polishing off your spring clean-up checklist a breeze. 
12 Oct, 2022
Before the snow flies, take a good look at your trees. In and around Medina County, the owners of Titan Arbor Care , certified arborists Jay Dalton, Jeremy Rolf and Tyler Honsaker, are already out and about taking in their clients’ trees. “When the leaves fall, you can clearly see the structure of the trees,” says Jay. “Autumn is the opportune time to make the call for pruning.” At any time of year, certified arborists can use a trained eye to spot dead or diseased branches that need to come down to keep the decay from spreading. The rest of us might not be so quick to notice.  “It’s a good time to do everything, tree work-related,” says Jay. “We can do everything people have been waiting to do, like planting, pruning, tree and stump removal. We can do it all.” Pruning not only extends the life span of your trees but also significantly reduces hazards to your family, neighbors and home. After all, it’s only a matter of time before gently falling leaves turn into a blanket of snow that can give way to hazardous falling branches heavy with ice. “You want to be able to envision a bird flying through the crown,” says Jay. “If you can’t, you want to prune to let the wind flow. The tree looks better, and you won’t have to worry about it toppling over in a big storm.” Titan Arbor Care can safely and expertly trim the enormous oaks, maples and other trees producing bursts of reds, yellows, purples, oranges and browns we enjoy this time of year. The white blanket of snow so familiar to us in Northeast Ohio will be here soon, potentially causing hazards underfoot, too, hiding exposed roots and stumps. With winter fast approaching, it’s better to remove those potential hazards when the ground is still firm, not soft and saturated with moisture, or frozen—to keep you and your family from getting tripped up. “Our stump grinding machine is portable enough to go anywhere and goes deep enough to where we’re sure we’re going to get the thing out,” says Jay. “All our equipment is compact enough to move around with minimal disruption.” No one wants to see their yard torn up only to live with a barren wasteland until spring. “We can still protect your yard with our ground protection mats to preserve the turf and avoid any ruts,” says Jay. The 4x8 foot polymer sheets cover the ground, distribute the weight of foot traffic, and minimize wear and tear to yards from heavy machinery. Titan Arbor Care’s ground protection mats are more efficient than the plain plywood pieces some tree care providers employ—if they even bother to take that additional step. “We take every measure to leave your yard better than we found it,” says Jay. “We haul away the grindings, spread fresh topsoil, and plant grass right away. So, you’re left with a nice, clean, finished yard. If we didn’t, to us, it would seem like an incomplete job.” By planting grass right away, Titan goes one better than most tree care providers. While the company plants grass every time on any job that calls for it, there’s no better time than now. Grass seedlings love autumn. They’re shielded from the summer’s sweltering heat and have enough time to establish themselves before winter’s blistering cold sets in amid a blanket of snow. Titan Arbor Care takes pride in being a community partner. When called, Jay, Jeremy and Tyler and their crews help Strongsville’s Service Department Division of Forestry maintain the city’s urban canopy of more than 112,000 trees. “We do a lot of the larger tree pruning and some hazardous tree removals,” says Jay. “Our owners are in three different school districts, Brunswick, Cloverleaf and Wadsworth, and we’re real proud of where we live and the greater community we call home.” There’s a magic to tree-lined streets. “Some trees reach a point where it looks like the only option is removal, but there might be other options such as corrective pruning,” says Jay. Even so, there are many reasons to remove it. Maybe now that you’re getting a good look, you realize that it’s too close to the house, threatening the foundation, or just detracting from the beauty of the yard. There’s no sense in waiting until next year. With potential hazards out of the way, you’ll be able to rest easy this winter. “We’re not going to hibernate,” says Jay. “But, getting it taken care of before the snow flies would be better for you, your yard, and your trees.” Guard your yard. Call 216-586-6955 . Titan Arbor Care is standing by. For a complete list of services, visit .
By Adam Cook 12 Aug, 2022
Autumn is fast approaching, and many of us are looking forward to that all-too-brief respite between the summer’s sweltering heat and the winter’s bone-chilling cold. Still, if you have yet to prune your trees, the gathering blanket of leaves soon to cover your doorstep should remind you of the blanket of snow on the way. Gently falling leaves can give way to hazardous falling branches heavy with ice when caution is thrown to the wind. In and around Medina County, the owners of Titan Arbor Care, certified arborists Jay Dalton, Jeremy Rolf, and Tyler Honsaker, are taking on their clients’ trees. “You want to be able to envision a bird flying through the crown,” says Jay. “If you can’t, you want to prune to let the wind flow. The tree looks better, and you won’t have to worry about it toppling over in a big storm.” It’s best to leave pruning to the professionals, who can use a trained eye to spot dead or diseased branches that need to come down, significantly reducing hazards to yourself, your family, your home, and your neighbors. Regular pruning even extends the life span of your trees. 
By Adam Cook 12 Jun, 2022
You probably won’t appreciate that your yard’s trees could use some sprucing up until you’re outside in the summer shade. Still, it’s not too late. All it takes is a trained eye. In and around Medina County, the owners of Titan Arbor Care, certified arborists Jay Dalton, Jeremy Rolf, and Tyler Honsaker, are out taking care of their clients’ trees. “You want to be able to envision a bird flying through the crown,” says Jay. “If you can’t, you want to prune to let the wind flow through. The tree looks better, and you won’t have to worry about it toppling over in a big storm.” If it’s a tall order, it’s better to leave it to the professionals. Once they’re up there, a trained eye can spot dead or diseased branches that need to come down, extending the tree’s life span. “A tree is either a benefit or a hindrance,” says Jay. “Some trees reach a point where it looks like the only answer is removal, but there might be other options such as corrective pruning or an injection.” Even so, there are many reasons you might want to remove it. It could be that you’re now realizing, as you’ve had a chance to spend some time outside, that it’s too close to the house, threatening the foundation, or just detracting from the beauty of your yard. When that’s the case, there’s no time like the present. Summer happens to be the ideal time to remove a tree since the ground is firmer. “We take every step to leave your yard better than we found it,” says Jay. “We haul away the grindings, spread fresh topsoil, and plant grass right away.” With that out of the way and the trees spruced up, you can appreciate the difference a trained eye makes. 
By Adam Cook 12 May, 2022
In and around Medina County, Titan Arbor Care goes above and beyond to guard clients’ yards. That’s a promise certified arborists Jay Dalton, Jeremy Rolf, and Tyler Honsaker stand by. Last year, when the owner of First Choice Tree Work retired, the trio bought out the company they had worked for since 2013. Now, under their new banner, it’s easy to spot why the experienced team of tree care specialists cuts such a unique profile. Just look at their helmets. “We’re all on the same wavelength,” says Jay. “We have the same high level of education, and we can communicate wirelessly through our helmets without all the screaming and yelling you might hear from other crews.” Armed with an array of tools, they safely take down enormous oaks, maples, and any other manner of tree that threatens a home’s integrity, while leaving a faint footprint. “We have over 200 feet of planking we can put down to protect the yard, and our equipment is compact and lightweight enough to move around with minimal disruption,” says Jay. The team does one better than most. “Our stump grinding machine is portable, fits through a 36-inch gate and goes deep enough to where we’re sure we’re going to get the whole thing out,” says Jay. “We take every step to leave your yard better than we found it. We give the option to haul away the grindings, spread fresh topsoil, and plant grass right away. So, you’re left with a nice clean finished yard. If we didn’t, to us, it would seem like an incomplete job.” Titan Arbor Care stands out from other tree care providers. “Everyone says free estimates, but we say quote. Unless the scope of work changes, we won’t change the price,” says Jay. Although it’s difficult to part with a beloved tree, sometimes removal is the only option—but not always. “A tree is either a benefit or hindrance,” says Jay. “Some think the only answer is removal, and there might be other options such as corrective pruning, or there might be an injection or a treatment of some type. It’s hard to replace a mature tree, we’d rather prune it than remove it, and if it’s not worth it, we’ll tell you."
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